Wonder Woman: Enemy Of Freedom
by Nicolas Juzda
The Golden Age Wonder Woman was up to no good!
The Quest for Campiness
by Russ Yocum
One Fan's Search for the Legends of the Superheroes
DCU Travel Guide
by Mathew D. Rhys
Gateway City: A bridge from wood to surf
A Freedom Fighting First
by David R. Black
Reviewing the Freedom Fighters' first appearnce in JLofA #107 & #108
Patriotic Comic Covers
by Gerald "Capt Gerry" Wilson
Praise the Lord and pass the comic covers!
Patriotic Heroes Trivia Quiz
by Michael J. Condon
Can you solve it before Red, White, and Blue?
Writing & Art Challenges
It's not too late to submit entries!
A Mite's Tale
by Bat-Mite (as told to Eric Lindberg)
Feeb-Off: Bat Mite wants you to know the truth! He's not just a joke!
Unknown Glory?
by Mathew D. Rhys
General Glory and the Unknown Soldier team-up to stop a Nazi plot!
by Mark Anderson
One family sees Uncle Sam fight to protect the American Dream over three generations
Half Empty Bowl, Half Full
by David J. LoTempio
A 2nd helping of Chicken Soup For The Supervillain Soul! International intrigue in Vlatava imperils Count Vertigo and Blythe Bonner!
Book Quote of the Month:
Barracuda : "You fared well against my comrade, Uncle Sam, but you'll taste death from the Barracuda!"
Uncle Sam : "Dagnabbit,
sonny! When're you villains going to realize I embody
the Spirit of America? And that's no easy thing
to kill!"
Freedom Fighters #9
by Rosaline Terrill
This month's cover does double duty as a desktop
Musee de Bivolo
Art by Chris Franklin, Nikoru-Chan, and Russ Yocum
Bottle City of Candor
by Ye Olde Editor
by Chaim Mattis Keller
A letter from Phil Foglio, and letters on If I Ran DC
From the Archives:
The Force of July
The Freedom Fighters
JSA: Liberty Files
The Rock Of Easy
If I Ran
by Michael Hutchison
Did Electric Superman really need a Trade Paperback?
Why not...
The Mount
by Matt "Stars" Morrison
A review of Hawkman's series, summer movies, and...the Mount Lifetime Achievement Award?
Oracle's Files
by John Wells
Cognitive reasoning deduces a profile on the Thinker!
From the Bookshelf
by Nicolas Juzda
Reinventing Comics: What does the future hold for comics? And is this the book to tell you?
by David R. Black
Conventions, Tiger the Wonder Cat, and Vertigo's Strange Adventures!
Back Cover
art by Russ Yocum
A sneak preview of our next issue
Site of the Month
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