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Deadline: November 28, 1998

This one's simple! Team up characters who haven't teamed up before. One of them has to be a DC Character and one has to be from another company.

Here are some ideas:
  • Batman and Mr. Fantastic
  • Wonder Woman and Punisher
  • Ambush Bug and Cheeks meet The Tick and Arthur
  • Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel (maybe arm wrestling for copyright?)
  • Impulse and Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Zatanna and Sabrina
  • Amanda Waller vs. Galactus
  • Elseworlds vs. "What If…"
  • Lobo and Predator
  • Ralph Dibny and Sue and Reed Richards and Sue
    (i.e. Elongated Man, Mr. Fantastic and their respective wives)
  • Tasmanian Devil and Beast from the Avengers
  • Captain Marvel (Power of Shazam) and Thor
  • Power Girl and She-Hulk (working at Hooters, maybe?)
  • Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • Brother Power the Geek meets Raggedy Ann and Andy
  • Lex Luthor and The Brain (and Pinky)
  • Matter-Eater Lad and Jughead
  • Vibe and some equally-useless Marvel character
All of these ideas are free to use. Duplication, if any, will not be a problem, as everyone's approach is different.

So here's the challenge:

  1. Create a piece of artwork teaming up two superheroes of your choice. If you can draw a connection between the two or have them interact in an interesting way, it will definitely help your score.
  2. More than two characters are acceptable, but use your best judgement.
  3. Send it in to [email protected] by November 28, 1998.
  4. I and two other judges will pick the best one. The results will be announced in the issue.
  5. The winner will receive a grab bag of comics from the selection available at Comic Relief

Entries must be in a digital format such as GIF or JPG. Photomanipulations are allowed for backgrounds, although doing a background by hand can help your score. All acceptable entries will be shown in the December issue. Have fun!

Article and layout © Michael Hutchison 1998.



Table of Contents

Thoughts at 3:00 AM

Letter Column

How to do Magic

DCU: The Animated Series

Redheads Review

Silver Age Art Challenge Results

Team-ups Art Challenge

Spring Into Action: Primal Force

Who, Disguised as...

The Books of Magic

Sector 2814 Art Gallery

JLA "Ghosts" Annual

HOJ: Raven

Catwoman #62

Swamp Thing #50

Final Fate of Fate