This Month:
Elongated Man
The Final Issue
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Table of Contents

Thoughts at 3:00 AM

Letter Column

My Hero

A Long Talk With a Long Guy


How To Save the Comics Industry

Chuck Dixon Interview

2nd Swimsuit Challenge Results

DC Advertisement Art Challenge

Crossovers & Team-Ups Writing Challenge

Brainstorm's Corner: The Zoo Crew

Introduction to Redemeption Writing Challenge

WC Entry: Blue Devil

WC Entry: Hawkman

WC Entry: Guy Gardner

WC Entry: Power Girl

WC Entry: Nighthawk

WC Entry: Deathstroke

WC Entry: Firestorm

WC Entry: Ice

Results of Redemeption Writing Challenge

Choices, part 11

The Crusaders

Star Light

Sector 2814 Art Gallery

DCU Digest

DCU 101: Superman Elseworlds, part 4

HOJ: The Sandman

Justice League # 1 reviewed

Mark's Top 12 Favorites

Green Lantern Secret Files reviewed

Back Cover & BOF Award

End of Summer

Welcome to Brainstorm's Corner, a monthly springboard showcase. A springboard, basically a one-page prose summary of a comic book story, is the format used for submitting stories to companies such as DC Comics. In one page, a writer must describe the plot while also trying to make it as intriguing as possible. It's quite a challenge!

Brainstorm's Corner gives YOU, the reader, the chance to critique the story before a writer sends it off to every editor at DC. So let Fanzing know…would you pay to read this? If not, why not?

The New Zoo Crew

Demo Strip

by The Brothers Grinn

This month, we have something quite different. Instead of a series proposal in prose format, here's a fully-developed demo by the Brothers Grinn! This isn't really an online "comic", in that it doesn't tell a full story, so I think this will slip under the wire of meeting DC's "fair use" policies.

A note about the Brothers Grinn version of the Zoo Crew: As you can see, there are some big changes from the original Scott Shaw! creations. The BG version has a strong anime influence as well as redesigned costumes. But one can't deny the appeal to the kids who've made "Teenge Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Pokemon" such big hits. And kids are what the current comic market needs. I, for one, hope that the Brothers Grinn send in a proposal to DC. What do you think?

Zoo Crew Story Pt. 1

Zoo Crew Story Pt. 2

Zoo Crew Story Pt. 3

The Brothers Grinn have a web site at and have written and drawn a story for our first comic book, "Fanzing Presents: Job Wanted", available in comic shops December 3rd, 2003. Please ask your local comic book vendor to carry "Job Wanted"!

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All characters are ™ DC Comics
This piece is © 1999 by The Brothers Grinn.
Fanzing is not associated with DC Comics.
All DC Comics characters, trademarks and images (where used) are ™ DC Comics, Inc.
DC characters are used here in fan art and fiction in accordance with their generous "fair use" policies.

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