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<!-- #BeginEditable "doctitle" --> <title>Fanzing
# 48 - May 2009 - Captain Carrot vs. the WormMonger Part
Two </title> <!-- #EndEditable --> |
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<!-- #BeginEditable "description" --> <meta
name="description" content="Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew
encounter a galactic menace: the WormMonger, which threatens
to bring war to Earth-C before devouring it entirely!">
<!-- #EndEditable --> |
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<!-- #BeginEditable "keywords" --> <meta
name="keywords" content="Captain Carrot, Zoo Crew, WormMonger,
worm, space, galaxy, Star Hopper, bookworm, menace, war, Earth-C,
Alley-Kat-Abra, Pig Iron, Little Cheese, Rubberduck, Yankee
Poodle, Fastback"> <!-- #EndEditable --> |
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<!-- #BeginEditable "css" --> <!-- #EndEditable
--> |
<body> |
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<!-- #BeginEditable "pageheading" -->
Humor Fiction Contest Logo <!-- #EndEditable -->
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<!-- #BeginEditable "pretitle" --> <h3
Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew vs. </h3>
<!-- #EndEditable -->
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<!-- #BeginEditable "title" --> <h1
The WormMonger </h1> <!--
#EndEditable -->
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<!-- #BeginEditable "subtitle" --> <h3
Part 2: Worm! HUH! What Is It Good For? </h3>
<!-- #EndEditable -->
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<!-- #BeginEditable "author" --> <h2
by Michael Hutchison </h2>
<!-- #EndEditable -->
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<!-- #BeginEditable "intro" -->
<p class="intro">
In Part One, President Dan Quail asked the Zoo Crew to
investigate a stellar phenomenon which had appeared on the
Hubbull Space Telescope. The Zoo Crew investigated in their
refit Star Hopper, only to discover a trail of devastated
planets with large holes bored through the center! </p>
<p class="intro">
Coming upon an ancient alien creature known as the WormMonger,
they discovered that it feeds off of the planetary cores.
Unfortunately, it has noticed them and is now trailing them
back to Earth!
<!-- #EndEditable -->
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<!-- #BeginEditable "pagebody" -->
<p>"We can't lead it back to Earth!" Captain Carrot
yelled over the whine of the star drive. "Mr. President, we
are prepared to alter course and divert it away from the Solar
System." Onscreen, the president of the United Species of
America tried to respond, but the signal kept fading and disappearing.
<p>Alley-Kat-Abra placed her magic wanda on Fastback
and an open palm on the ship's drive systems. "At the risk
of sounding like ScottyDog on that old show, the engine's
not going to take much more. Maybe we can funnel your speed
energy into the engines!" she said, closing her eyes.</p>
<p>Red and white-striped energy cascaded across
the hull of the ship. "Ah'm going to try to hold the ship
togethah with mah animal magnetism, dahlings!" Yankee Poodle
shouted. </p>
<p>Sinking into his padded seat cusions from the
strain of the acceleration, Little Cheese whispered to Rubberduck,
"I always feel so useless going up against menaces like these.
All we can do is sit here and hope the others save us. Gol',
I feel so nervous."</p>
<p>Byrd Rentals tried to keep up a brave front,
although the inertia's effects on his rubbery form just made
him look ridiculous. He turned a squished beak towards Little
Cheese and said, "You're nervous? I haven't been this nervous
since I acted across from a topless Demi Moose in <i>StripCheese</i>!"</p>
etc etc etc
<!-- #EndEditable -->
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<!-- #BeginEditable "credits" -->
All characters and scanned artwork are © DC Comics <br />
This story is © 2000 by Michael Hutchison
<!-- #EndEditable --> |
</html> |
is Editor-In-Chief of He is the world's biggest Elongated Man fan
and runs the only EM fan site.
He lives in Rochester, MN.
AIM: Fanzinger
ICQ: 70101007