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Elongated Man
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Who We Are is a website created by fans who love the characters of DC Comics. Some of us are aspiring writers and artists of comic books; others are just in it for fun.

Fanzing began in June 1997 as an all-graphic web fanzine. It was created by Marc Campbell, who put out five issues before landing a job at DC Comics. Marc worked for DC as their webmaster for two years. Marc has since moved on to better things.

When Marc left, writer Michael Hutchison offered to take over Fanzing and later moved it to its own domain,

Fanzing is not authorized or endorsed by DC Comics Inc. DC owns the copyrights on all characters on this site (except for any characters copyrighted by other companies, whom we would then credit on those pages). Fanzing operates within the limitations of general "fair use" guidelines for the use of copyrighted characters, and we appreciate the tolerance of everyone at DC. It goes without saying that we all want to promote the enjoyment of DC comics characters and comic books.

Fanzing is an unofficial, non-profit website created by amateurs. We do not get paid for any work on the magazine. We do have merchant links to DC Comic books which do help us to defray some of our hosting costs, but we operate at a loss. We also accept donations (See Below). consists of numerous sections. We have a magazine which publishes monthly (or as close to it as we can get). We also have a shopping section, Speed-Commerce, where you can buy DC Comics merchandise as well as some Fanzing merchandise (which uses our own mascot, the Fuzzball, and not DC Comics characters). There is "The Fortress of Downloaditude" for our fan-created computer wallpapers, desktop themes and screen savers. We also have fan-made e-cards which you can send to your friends and family. And you can talk to Fanzing's creators and readers over at the Fanzing Forum.

Please drop us a letter if you enjoy your time here. Thank you!


Donations may be made via Paypal using the button below. Our expenses are $19.95 monthly, plus there are other expenses like the annual registration and such. It adds up to almost $300 a year. We've never gotten anywhere near that figure in donations and merchant links to DC books, so any size donation will be acceptable.

Normally, it isn't kosher to discuss money matters in public, but I'm sure any DC Comics lawyers will want to know that no profits are being made here. :-)


is Editor-In-Chief of He is the world's biggest Elongated Man fan and runs the only EM fan site. He lives in Rochester, MN.
AIM: Fanzinger
ICQ: 70101007

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All characters are ™ DC Comics
This piece is © 2001 by .
Fanzing is not associated with DC Comics.
All DC Comics characters, trademarks and images (where used) are ™ DC Comics, Inc.
DC characters are used here in fan art and fiction in accordance with their generous "fair use" policies.

Fanzing site version 7.1